General Dentistry

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatments

Root canal Treatments involves Treating the infection in the tooth. At the Dentofacial Clinic we specialize in single - sitting root canal treatments making it a quick,time-saving and painless procedure

Crowns And Bridges

Crowns and Bridges are fixed devices that are cemented on to existing teeth to replace missing teeth or cover a root canal treated tooth

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Composite resins, or tooth coloured fillings are done to fill decayed teeth. They provide excellent durability and a natural shade wtih blends with adjacent natural teeth. At the Dentofacial Clinic we use the best quality composite resins to provide the most esthetic results

Child Dental Treatments

A post and core crown is a type of dental restoration required where there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth tissue remaining to retain a conventional crown

Orthodontic Braces

- Metal
- Ceramic.
- Invisible Braces / Aligners.

Complete And Partial Removable Dentures

Dentures (also known as false teeth) are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity

Gum Surgeries For Bleeding Gums and exposed sensitive teeth

Bleeding gums or issues like sensitive teeth can be routinely managed by gum Surgeries using state of the art equipment like the radio frequency cautery available at our setup. Using the radio frequency cautery reduces post - operative complications and reduces recovery time after surgery

Tooth Cleaning & Polishing

Teeth cleaning at the dental office involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease. We use high quality ultrasonic devices to clean and polish teeth with the best results. Once in six months, a tooth Cleaning session is mandatory